The Urban Nature Atlas (UNA) is intended as a resource for policy-makers, practitioners and those with a general interest in nature-based solutions. The Atlas is the largest available database on nature-based solutions in Europe, and since its launch on the Naturvation website in March 2018, has received a large number of visitors and been featured on various knowledge platforms. Data collected has further supported various research activities within and beyond the Naturvation project, as evidenced by the examples provided below.
Platforms and reports where the UNA is featured:
- Oppla: the UNA is presented as a database on the Oppla Marketplace. Some case studies presented on the Oppla site are cross-referenced to the UNA and vice-versa;
- EEA: the UNA is presented on the European Climate Adaptation Platform, Climate-ADAPT, and is also be featured in its recent publication about Nature-based solutions in Europe;
- EdiCitNet: the EdiCitNet toolbox is a multifunctional and interactive catalogue, which presents approximately 150 case studies from the UNA. Those UNA case studies featured have been selected due to their relevance to the toolbox’s aim to collect information about local food initiatives;
- UNEP’s Ecosystem Restoration Playbook: the UNA features in the ‘Towns and Cities' section of the Playbook which was released ahead of the World Environment Day (June 5) in 2021 and saw the launch of the UN Decade on Ecosystem Restoration;
- Lund University’s massive open online course (MOOC), Urban Nature: Connecting Cities, Nature and Innovation; and
- UNEA 2nd Cities and Regions Summit: Outcome Document.
Publications which draw upon case studies presented in the Atlas:
- Xie, L. and Bulkeley, H. (2020). Nature-based solutions for urban biodiversity governance. Environmental Science & Policy. Elsevier, 110, pp. 77–87. URL.
- Dignum, M., Dorst, H., van Schie, M., Dassen, T. and Raven, R. (2020) Nurturing nature: Exploring socio-spatial conditions for urban experimentation.
- Environmental Innovation and Societal Transitions. Elsevier, 34, pp. 7-25. URL.
- Almassy, D., Pinter, L., Rocha, S., Naumann, S., Davis, M., Abhold, K. and Bulkeley, H. (2018) Urban Nature Atlas: A Database of Nature-Based Solutions Across 100 European Cities. URL.
Publications which draw upon the Atlas’ findings:
- European Commission (2020). Nature-based solutions: State of the Art in EU-funded Projects. Independent Expert Report. URL.
- Bockarjova, M. et al. (2020). Property price effects of green interventions in cities: A meta-analysis and implications for gentrification. Environmental Science & Policy. Elsevier, 112, pp. 293–304. URL.
- Bockarjova, M., Botzen, W. J. W. and Koetse, M. J. (2020). Economic valuation of green and blue nature in cities: A meta-analysis. Ecological Economics. Elsevier, 169, article 106480. URL.
- IUCN Centre for Mediterranean Cooperation (2019) Nature based Solutions in Mediterranean cities: Rapid assessment report and compilation of urban interventions. Málaga, Spain. URL.
- Hansson, F. (2018) Green is the new Grey: Implementation of Nature-Based Solutions in urban areas: exploring potential impacts, up-scaling and knowledge transfer. IIIEE, Lund University. URL.