Vinh, Vietnam
City population: 226000
Duration: 2023 – 2029
Implementation status: Ongoing
Scale: Meso-scale: Regional, metropolitan and urban level
Project area: 820000 m2
Type of area: Agricultural area or farmland, Residential, Central Business District / City Centre
Last updated: May 2023

Vinh is the biggest city in north-central Vietnam and is the hub for economic and cultural development in the region. As of 2018, the city has a population of approx. 500,000 inhabitants and is located on the Ca River delta, 160 miles (260 km) south of Hanoi. Flooding and poor environmental sanitation are major impediments to the development of Vinh City. The drainage system of the city is comprised of four catchment basins connected to Rao Dung, Ke Gai, Vinh and Lam Rivers. Among the four, the Vinh River is flowing through the central wards and communes of Vinh City and is one that becomes sensitive to severe flooding events frequently (2,3). Recently (in 2021), with support from the World Bank, the government initiated a program, the Vinh City Priority Infrastructure and Urban Resilience Development Project (VPIUR), which is expected to bring a new look to the river, reduce the risk of flooding in urban areas and strengthen urban management capacity to adapt to climate change. This project has several sub components and one of them is a river rehabilitation and upgrade under the form of riverbank green, sanitation, and flood risk management (1, 3). The implementation includes a comprehensive set of structural and non-structural interventions, including flood control systems and nature-based solutions, wastewater collection and treatment infrastructure, and key transport links. The project aims to transform it into green public spaces which are to be constructed under the project. The project also aims to invest in developing green public spaces along the Vinh riverbank and a new regulation lake. (3)

Vinh City Priority Infrastructure and Urban Resilience Development Project
Ref 1.


Nature-based solution

  • Blue infrastructure
  • Lakes/ponds
  • Rivers/streams/canals/estuaries
  • Grey infrastructure featuring greens
  • Riverbank/Lakeside greens

Key challenges

  • Climate action for adaptation, resilience and mitigation (SDG 13)
  • Climate change adaptation
  • Green space, habitats and biodiversity (SDG 15)
  • Green space creation and/or management
  • Water management (SDG 6)
  • Flood protection


Creation of new green areas, Management and improved protection of rivers and other blue areas

Project objectives

The intervention is envisaged as a complex project that includes multiple integrated solutions to challenges surmounting the effects of climate change. The goals were defined below: 1. To reduce the risk of flooding and landslides (and improve the quality of the land at the riverbanks) in urban areas and strengthen the city's ability to manage urban areas to adapt to climate change (1, 2). 2. To adapt to climate change by creating green spaces/riverbank greens for the city through the construction of public space infrastructure (2). 3. To contribute to sustainable urban development and adaptation to climate change, creating motivation for comprehensive socio-economic development for Vinh city and Nghe An province in general (4). 4. To help Vinh City build an integrated infrastructure, increase urban resilience, and help the city adapt to climate change by improving and upgrading the drainage systems of the Vinh river (3). 5. To enhance environmental conditions and human quality of life through modifications and enhancements to the Vinh River and wastewater collection and treatment system (4).

Implementation activities

As of 2022, the Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment of Vietnam has conducted an appraisal of the environmental impact assessment report (EIA) of the priority infrastructure project and urban development adapting to climate change in the city (2). As this is a new project the implementation process started in late 2022 and early 2023. Component 3 of the project aims to work on river improvements and public space upgrades. This will include rehabilitation of the Vinh river, from where it adjoins the Ke Gai river to the Ben Thuy sluice gate, with a total length of 11.4 km, on the west side of the city. This segment of the riverbank is the primary drainage channel for the two most important catchment areas of the city, totalling over 4,300 ha. Activities will include dredging and improving slope protection and embankment in conjunction with constructing an intercept to collect wastewater that is currently discharged directly to the river, linking to the drainage and environmental sanitation activities in sub-component 1.1. The investments will significantly strengthen the environmental condition of the Vinh river and contribute to cleaner water and fewer plastics flowing into the river, thereby improving the water quality of the regional Lam river as the ultimate water-receiving body. Furthermore, following the river rehabilitation and environmental remediation investments, the quality of the land adjacent to the riverbank will be significantly improved. To ensure that the space is well-utilized and protected, this sub-component will invest in public spaces totalling 20 ha that will be designed and implemented with the objective of developing the Vinh river as the historic spine of the city, with an ecological village, a heritage crossing, market linkages, and new urban area that is connected by the Le Mao extension road. The development of expansive green public spaces along the riverbank will enhance the historical and cultural values of the river, benefiting both citizens as well as tourists (6). Furthermore a new Hung Hoa 2 regulation lake with an area of 53 ha area and the capacity of 2,160,000m3 will be created. The identified location of the Hung Hoa 2 regulation lake is in line with the approved city Master Plan and the land is currently available. The area surrounding the lake, totaling 70 ha will be developed as green public spaces that includes multi-purpose parklands and promenades with lanes for both pedestrians and bicycles. (7) 25 consultation meetings were organized in Nghe An province and Vinh city under the Vinh City Priority Infrastructure and Urban Resilience Development Project (VPIUR) with a total of 235 individuals attending. The participants included wide-ranging representatives from the provincial implementing agency (PMU staff), local governmental agencies (Nghe An PPC, Vinh city PC, C/WPCs), Provincial Departments (DOC, DARD, DONRE, DOCT, LFDC, DOST, DARD, DOLISA, DOT, DOIC), representatives of the local community (community heads), and local mass organizations (Women's Union, Fatherland Front, Veterans Association, Youth Union) (7).

Climate-focused activities

Climate change adaptation:

  • Implement measures that prevent/manage desertification, soil erosion and landslides
  • Implement sustainable urban drainage infrastructure (e.g. to make space for water)
  • Renaturalization of rivers and other water bodies

Main beneficiaries

  • Local government/Municipality
  • Citizens or community groups


Management set-up

  • Co-governance with government and non-government actors

Type of initiating organisation

  • National government
  • Local government/municipality
  • Multilateral organisation

Participatory approaches/ community involvement

  • Consultation (e.g. workshop, surveys, community meetings, town halls)

Details on the roles of the organisations involved in the project

This project is co-financed and managed by World Bank and the Vietnamese government. (1)

Project implemented in response to ...

... an EU policy or strategy? No
... a national policy or strategy? Yes (The Law on Environmental Protection (No.55/2014/QH13) dated June 23, 2014 and Decree on Environmental Protection Planning, Strategic Environmental Assessment, Environmental Impact Assessment and Environmental Protection Plans (No. 18/2015/ND- CP) dated February 14, 2015 are key legal frameworks for environmental management in Vietnam. (7))
... a local policy or strategy? Yes (The intervention will be implemented considering several local regulations: Previously, on December 28, 2021, the Prime Minister issued Decision No. 2212/QD-TTg on the investment policy of the priority infrastructure project and urban development adapting to climate change in Ho Chi Minh City. Vinh (also known as the Vinh City Flood Control Project). (2) The Master Plan of Vinh City to 2030 and vision to 2050 (3) Directive for Vinh city Development No. 2468/QD-TTg (3))


Total cost

More than €4,000,000

Source(s) of funding

  • Public national budget
  • Multilateral funds/international funding

Type of funding

  • Direct funding (grants, subsidies, or self-financed projects by private entities)
  • Loan

Non-financial contribution


Impacts and Monitoring

Environmental impacts

  • Water management and blue areas
  • Improved water quality
  • Increased protection against flooding
  • Green space and habitat
  • Increased green space area
  • Reduced biodiversity loss

Economic impacts

  • Increased property prices

Socio-cultural impacts

  • Social justice and cohesion
  • Fair distribution of social, environmental and economic benefits of the NBS project

Type of reported impacts

Expected impacts

Presence of formal monitoring system


Presence of indicators used in reporting


Presence of monitoring/ evaluation reports

No evidence in public records

Availability of a web-based monitoring tool

No evidence in public records


Project map
Vinh City
vinh-city- riverbanks
Information about this nature-based solution was collected as part of the "NBS 2022" UNA Asian extension project funded by the Asia-Europe Foundation.