Last updated: October 2021
Ecological parks are parks that reduce stormwater runoff and pollutant emissions. It refers to a number of techniques applied at the same time to reduce the total impervious surface of a parking space, the decrease in the surface temperature and maintain a green island in crowded areas. In Timisoara, until the date of this completed intervention (2009), there were located 11 ecological parking spaces, placed throughout the city, most of them near building blocks in former industrial quarters (3)
Nature-based solution
- Grey infrastructure featuring greens
- Alley or street trees and other street vegetation
- Green parking lots
Key challenges
- Climate action for adaptation, resilience and mitigation (SDG 13)
- Climate change adaptation
- Water management (SDG 6)
- Flood protection
- Stormwater and rainfall management and storage
- Improvements to water quality
- Green space, habitats and biodiversity (SDG 15)
- Green space creation and/or management
- Environmental quality
- Air quality improvement
Creation of new green areas, Strategy, plan or policy development
Project objectives
1. To improve air and water quality;
2. To ensure maximum parking space;
3. To minimize the volume of water drained and reduce the leaking of water from precipitation;
4. To achieve a green area space;
5. To reduce the human heat islands;
6. To avoid environmental pollution due to vehicle emissions;
7. To reduce the exposure to UV radiation, due to the canopy of trees (3).
Implementation activities
Types of materials used to build environmentally friendly parking spaces:
Permeable pavement - is pavement that allows water infiltration. It is available in a variety of shapes and colors, improving their aesthetic appearance.
Grid or lattice systems - rigid plastic structures are filled with gravel or vegetation.
Porous concrete - is similar to conventional concrete structure and shape, except that the fine materials have been removed, allowing the infiltration of rain water through the voids. (2)
Climate-focused activities
Climate change adaptation:
- Increase or improve urban vegetation cover to help reduce outdoor temperature
- Create or improve outdoor spaces to help people escape from urban heat
Main beneficiaries
- Local government/Municipality
- Non-government organisation/Civil Society
- Citizens or community groups
Management set-up
- Government-led
Type of initiating organisation
- Local government/municipality
Participatory approaches/ community involvement
- Consultation (e.g. workshop, surveys, community meetings, town halls)
- Joint implementation (e.g. tree planting)
Details on the roles of the organisations involved in the project
The municipality played the main role in the implementation of this innovation since it noticed that there were areas especially around the building blocks that were not taking care off and during rainy times they became muddy. (3)
Project implemented in response to ...
... an EU policy or strategy?
... a national policy or strategy?
... a local policy or strategy?
(The intervention is based on the 2008 strategic plan of the municipality to implement environmental protection. The plan was called "Timisoara ecologica", which aimed at: maintaining the balance of the urban ecosystem, eliminating polluting factors that create discomfort and affect the state of health and exploiting existing potential. (1) )
Total cost
€500,000 - €2,000,000
Source(s) of funding
- EU funds
- Public local authority budget
Type of funding
- Earmarked public budget
Non-financial contribution
Impacts and Monitoring
Environmental impacts
- Water management and blue areas
- Increased protection against flooding
- Green space and habitat
- Increased green space area
Economic impacts
- Reduce financial cost for urban management
Socio-cultural impacts
- Unknown
Type of reported impacts
Expected impacts, Achieved impacts
Presence of formal monitoring system
Presence of indicators used in reporting
No evidence in public records
Presence of monitoring/ evaluation reports
No evidence in public records
Availability of a web-based monitoring tool
1. Primaria Municipiului Timisoara (2008), Timisoara ecologica, Available at Source link (Accessed 25-6-2020)
2. Primaria Municipiului Timisoara (2008), Parcari Ecologice, Available at Source link (Accessed 25-6-2020)
3. Primaria Municipiului Timisoara, Directia de Mediu (2009), Parcari Ecologice, Available at Source link (Accessed 25-6-2020)
4. Info Brasov (2208), Mai ieftine cu 20% parcarile cu gazon au multiple beneficii, Available at Source link (Accessed 25-6-2020)
2. Primaria Municipiului Timisoara (2008), Parcari Ecologice, Available at Source link (Accessed 25-6-2020)
3. Primaria Municipiului Timisoara, Directia de Mediu (2009), Parcari Ecologice, Available at Source link (Accessed 25-6-2020)
4. Info Brasov (2208), Mai ieftine cu 20% parcarile cu gazon au multiple beneficii, Available at Source link (Accessed 25-6-2020)