Last updated: October 2021
The Hetton Lyons Primary School's green roof is designed to evolve and flourish over the coming years, helping to combat a number of climate change issues facing the next generation. Aims were ecological benefits, providing a natural habitat for plants and wildlife while helping to reduce air and noise pollution, cutting carbon emissions and assisting with rainwater retention and attenuation (Ref 1).
Nature-based solution
- Nature on buildings (external)
- Green roofs
Key challenges
- Climate action for adaptation, resilience and mitigation (SDG 13)
- Climate change mitigation
- Water management (SDG 6)
- Stormwater and rainfall management and storage
- Green space, habitats and biodiversity (SDG 15)
- Green space creation and/or management
- Environmental quality
- Air quality improvement
- Noise reduction
- Regeneration, land-use and urban development
- Regulation of built environment
Creation of new green areas
Project objectives
1. Address climate change issues,
2. Provide natural habitat for plants and wildlife,
3. reduce air and noise pollution,
4. cut carbon emissions,
5. assist rainwater retention and attenuation,
6. create a Green sedum roof (Ref 1 and 4).
Implementation activities
The creation of a green roof on the school building. The roof is extensive and has a sedum cover. (Ref 4)
Climate-focused activities
Climate change mitigation:
- Install vertical or horizontal artificial surfaces that help with carbon storage and cooling
- Raise public awareness of behaviours, lifestyle and cultural changes with mitigation potential
Main beneficiaries
- Public sector institution (e.g. school or hospital)
- Other
Management set-up
- Co-governance with government and non-government actors
Type of initiating organisation
- Local government/municipality
- Public sector institution
Participatory approaches/ community involvement
- Unknown
Details on the roles of the organisations involved in the project
The school was part of a major commitment from Sunderland City Council to reduce carbon emissions across all of its operations by the year 2012, but the project was lead by the school itself in cooperation with Alumasc company, that provided the green roof product package and technical support (Ref 1).
Project implemented in response to ...
... an EU policy or strategy?
... a national policy or strategy?
... a local policy or strategy?
(The intervention is part of the Sunderland City Council's Low Carbon Schools initiative (Ref 4) that was part of the City's Carbon Plan for 2007-2012 (Ref 6). )
Total cost
Source(s) of funding
- Public national budget
- Public local authority budget
Type of funding
- Earmarked public budget
Non-financial contribution
Impacts and Monitoring
Environmental impacts
- Climate change
- Lowered local temperature
- Enhanced carbon sequestration
- Environmental quality
- Improved air quality
- Reduced noise exposure
- Water management and blue areas
- Improved stormwater management
- Green space and habitat
- Increased green space area
- Reduced biodiversity loss
Economic impacts
- Unknown
Socio-cultural impacts
- Education
- Increased awareness of NBS and their benefits
Type of reported impacts
Achieved impacts
Presence of formal monitoring system
Presence of indicators used in reporting
No evidence in public records
Presence of monitoring/ evaluation reports
No evidence in public records
Availability of a web-based monitoring tool
Ref 1: David Luukas (n.d.) Inspirational design plays a major part in successful BSF programme. Alumasc Roofing System. Retrieved from Source link on 10th November, 2020.
Ref 2: Source link (2013) Green Roof News - International Green Roof Association. Retrieved from Source link on 10th November, 2020.
Ref 3: HM Government. (2009). The UK low carbon transition plan: National strategy for climate and energy. [attached]
Ref 4: Sunderland City Council. (n.d.). Low carbon city - Sunderland City Council. Retrieved from Source link on 10th November, 2020.
Ref 5: International Green Roof Association. (2010). Green roof news. [attached]
Ref 6: Sunderland City Council. (2007). Sunderland City Council's Carbon Plan 2007-2012. [attached]
Ref 7: LocalGov. (2007). Sunderland to back £110M Building Schools for Future (BSF) programme. Retrieved from Source link on 10th November, 2020.
Ref 2: Source link (2013) Green Roof News - International Green Roof Association. Retrieved from Source link on 10th November, 2020.
Ref 3: HM Government. (2009). The UK low carbon transition plan: National strategy for climate and energy. [attached]
Ref 4: Sunderland City Council. (n.d.). Low carbon city - Sunderland City Council. Retrieved from Source link on 10th November, 2020.
Ref 5: International Green Roof Association. (2010). Green roof news. [attached]
Ref 6: Sunderland City Council. (2007). Sunderland City Council's Carbon Plan 2007-2012. [attached]
Ref 7: LocalGov. (2007). Sunderland to back £110M Building Schools for Future (BSF) programme. Retrieved from Source link on 10th November, 2020.