Dublin, Dublin (FUA), Ireland
City population: 1894440
Duration: 2010 – 2010
Implementation status: Completed
Scale: Sub-microscale: Street scale (including buildings)
Project area: 1200 m2
Type of area: Public Greenspace Area
Last updated: October 2021

Following an extreme flood event on August 9th 2008 in Glendhu Park, eight houses experienced flooding and many more came within inches of being flooded. Two swales were constructed by Dublin City Council to provide surface water storage to ensure that no flooding will recur in a similar 100-year pluvial event. The swales are designed to self-drain back into the existing surface water sewer system following a severe storm event (Ref. 1).


Nature-based solution

  • Green areas for water management
  • Swales and filter strips

Key challenges

  • Climate action for adaptation, resilience and mitigation (SDG 13)
  • Climate change adaptation
  • Water management (SDG 6)
  • Flood protection
  • Stormwater and rainfall management and storage
  • Green space, habitats and biodiversity (SDG 15)
  • Green space creation and/or management


Creation of semi-natural blue areas

Project objectives

1. Provide protection against extreme flood events. 2. Storage of stormwater which could be drained to the sewer system later. (Ref. 1; Ref. 2)

Implementation activities

1. The works involved the excavation of existing soil to the required level, removal off-site of excavated materials, associated pipe works, and final reinstatement/landscaping. 2. Following a flooding event on 24th October 2011, which was of higher magnitude than the event in August 2008, plans were made to extend the swale in Glendhu park to cater for such an event in the future. (Ref. 1; Ref. 2)

Climate-focused activities

Climate change adaptation:

  • Implement sustainable urban drainage infrastructure (e.g. to make space for water)

Main beneficiaries

  • Citizens or community groups


Management set-up

  • Government-led

Type of initiating organisation

  • Local government/municipality

Participatory approaches/ community involvement

  • Dissemination of information and education
  • Consultation (e.g. workshop, surveys, community meetings, town halls)

Details on the roles of the organisations involved in the project

The project was developed by Dublin City Council and discussed with the residents affected by the flood. Following approval, it was implemented by the Council. (Ref. 1; Ref. 3; Ref. 4)

Project implemented in response to ...

... an EU policy or strategy? Unknown
... a national policy or strategy? Yes (National Climate Change Adaption Framework (2012) by adopting a Climate Change Adaptation Strategy for Dublin City, and to support the Dublin City Councils forthcoming Climate Change Strategy for Dublin City. The Plan also sets out the policies in relation to Climate Change and Flooding. (Ref. 3))
... a local policy or strategy? Yes (1. A Regional Flood Risk Appraisal (RFRA) was carried out for the Regional Planning Guidelines (RPG) for the Greater Dublin Area 2010-2022. 2. Dublin City Development Plan 2016-2022 sets out the achievements and challenges facing Dublin City Council in relation to Climate Change. (Ref. 3))


Total cost


Source(s) of funding

  • Public local authority budget

Type of funding

  • Earmarked public budget

Non-financial contribution


Impacts and Monitoring

Environmental impacts

  • Climate change
  • Strengthened capacity to address climate hazards/natural disasters
  • Water management and blue areas
  • Increased protection against flooding
  • Improved stormwater management
  • Green space and habitat
  • Increased green space area

Economic impacts

  • Reduce financial cost for urban management

Socio-cultural impacts

  • Safety
  • Increased perception of safety
  • Social justice and cohesion
  • Increased involvement of locals in the management of green spaces
  • Education
  • Increased knowledge of locals about local nature
  • Increased awareness of NBS and their benefits

Type of reported impacts

Achieved impacts

Presence of formal monitoring system


Presence of indicators used in reporting


Presence of monitoring/ evaluation reports


Availability of a web-based monitoring tool

No evidence in public records
