The Nature Island Pennenfeld-Bonn ("Naturinsel Pennenfeld") is a community garden project of the Lebensqualität im Alter - LeA (Quality of Life in Old Age) Association, the District Management (QM) of Pennenfeld and the municipal housing company VEBOWAG (9). The project started in 2012 and its aim was the transformation of a 1,800 sqm large tree-lined lawn area (9). The lawn was to be transformed into a park-like natural community garden for recreation where elderly residents have more opportunity to experience nature, while at the same time it is a place of encounter that promotes social stability by encouraging all other residents to get engaged in the planning, implementation and maintenance processes (1,3,9). Besides enhancing the quality of life for residents and elderly people living with dementia, other project objectives were to foster and increase the local biodiversity as well as to strengthen community building and mutual support in the neighbourhood (2).
Nature-based solution
- Blue infrastructure
- In-land wetlands, peatlands, swamps, and moors
- Community gardens and allotments
- Community gardens
- Parks and urban forests
- Pocket parks/neighbourhood green spaces
Key challenges
- Green space, habitats and biodiversity (SDG 15)
- Green space creation and/or management
- Regeneration, land-use and urban development
- Promote natural styles of landscape design for urban development
- Health and well-being (SDG 3)
- Enabling opportunities for physical activity
- Improving mental health
- Creation of opportunities for recreation
- Social justice, cohesion and equity (SDG 10)
- Social cohesion
- Social interaction
Project objectives
Implementation activities
Main beneficiaries
- Citizens or community groups
- Marginalized groups: Elderly people
Management set-up
- Led by non-government actors
Type of initiating organisation
- Non-government organisation/civil society
- Private sector/corporate actor/company
Participatory approaches/ community involvement
- Co-planning (e.g. stakeholder workshops, focus groups, participatory mapping)
- Consultation (e.g. workshop, surveys, community meetings, town halls)
- Joint implementation (e.g. tree planting)
Details on the roles of the organisations involved in the project
Project implemented in response to ...
Total cost
Source(s) of funding
- Public local authority budget
- Corporate investment
- Funds provided by non-governmental organization (NGO)
Type of funding
- Direct funding (grants, subsidies, or self-financed projects by private entities)
- Donations
Non-financial contribution
- Provision of land
- Provision of goods
- Provision of labour
- Citizens (e.g. volunteering)
- Other
Impacts and Monitoring
Environmental impacts
- Green space and habitat
- Promotion of naturalistic styles of landscape design for urban development
- Increased green space area
- Increased number of species present
- Enhanced support of pollination
- Restoration of derelict areas
Economic impacts
- Unknown
Socio-cultural impacts
- Social justice and cohesion
- Improved social cohesion
- Improved liveability
- Increased visibility and opportunity for marginalised groups or indigenous peoples
- Health and wellbeing
- Improved mental health
- Improved physical health
- Gain in activities for recreation and exercise
- Cultural heritage and sense of place
- Increased sense of place identity, memory and belonging
Type of reported impacts
Presence of formal monitoring system
Presence of indicators used in reporting
Presence of monitoring/ evaluation reports
Availability of a web-based monitoring tool
2. Lebensqualität im Alter e.V. (2014). Naturinsel Bonn-Pennenfeld, Naturinsel Bonn-Pennenfeld. Accessed on September 10, 2020 Source link
3. Jacob, A. (2013). ‘Eine Naturinsel für Pennenfeld’, Bonner General-Anzeiger, 10 April. Accessed on September 10, 2020 Source link
4. Roth, K. (2014). ‘BUND Kreisgruppe Bonn gestaltet Sumpfbeet im Gemeinschaftsgarten “Naturinsel Pennenfeld”’, Bonner Umweltzeitung (BUZ), p. 8. Accessed on September 10, 2020 Source link
5. Dyck, A. (2016). ‘Auf der Suche nach dem Wir-Gefühl. NRW-Gesundheitsministerin BarbaraSteffensbesuchtdasGenerationenquartier inPennenfeld undhörtauchKritik’, Bonner General-Anzeiger, p. 1. Accessed on September 10, 2020 Source link
6. Verein familiengerechte Kommune (2017) Pilotprojekt in Nordrhein-Westfalen in Kooperation mit Projektpartnern: Audit „Generationengerechtes Wohnen im Quartier“ (AGWiQ). Accessed on September 10, 2020 Source link
7. WohnBund Beratung NRW / Stadtteilverein Dransdorf. (2007). Soziale Stadt NRW. Bilanz nach 9 Jahren Programmlaufzeit (1996 – 2005). Accessed on September 10, 2020, Source link
8. Schöberl-Floimayr, C., Stadler, M. and Schmoll, A. (2015) Herausforderungen der ‘Stadtlandschaft’ in der Metropologregion Köln/Bonn. Zukunft gemeinsam gestalten. Masterplan Grün, Version 3.0. Köln. Accessed on September 10, 2020 Source link
9. Die UN-Dekade. (2019). Naturinsel Bonn-Pennenfeld - Garten der Begegning. Die UN-Dekade. Accessed on 10 September 2020, Source link