Last updated: October 2021
The roof of IKEA in Åsane outside Bergen covers 22,000 m2 and has been covered with plants since 2011. (Ref. 1) The green roof promotes biodiversity, cleanses the air from pollutants and acts an important flood prevention measure in the region, as Bergen experiences a lot of rainfall and is expected to receive more as a consequence of climate change over the coming decades. (Ref. 3,5) The roof has attracted a lot of birdlife, including endangered species. (Ref. 2)
Nature-based solution
- Nature on buildings (external)
- Green roofs
Key challenges
- Climate action for adaptation, resilience and mitigation (SDG 13)
- Climate change adaptation
- Climate change mitigation
- Water management (SDG 6)
- Stormwater and rainfall management and storage
- Green space, habitats and biodiversity (SDG 15)
- Green space creation and/or management
- Regeneration, land-use and urban development
- Promote natural styles of landscape design for urban development
Creation of new green areas
Project objectives
This NBS aimed to achieve the following:
- Address expected climate change impacts of increased flooding (Ref. 5)
- Capture CO2 emissions (Ref. 3)
- Dampen the visual impression of the large building using green infrastructure (Ref. 3)
Implementation activities
Creation of 22,000 m2 green sedum roof (Ref. 1,3,5)
Regular maintenance - After the delivery in 2011 the roof faced large problems. During the first winter, a lot of the plants died. Studies were initiated and two plant consultants tried different solutions. After a year of study and comprehensive plant trials on the roof it was concluded that sedum roofs in Bergen require very good drainage and therefore put high demands on the growth substrate.
In the summer of 2013, the roof was re-established with new substrates and new plants and it now appears as a beautiful, thriving green roof. (Ref. 1)
Climate-focused activities
Climate change adaptation:
- Implement green walls or roofs to lower indoor temperature and provide insulation
- Implement sustainable urban drainage infrastructure (e.g. to make space for water)
Climate change mitigation:
- Install vertical or horizontal artificial surfaces that help with carbon storage and cooling
Main beneficiaries
- Local government/Municipality
- Private sector/Corporate/Company
- Citizens or community groups
Management set-up
- Co-governance with government and non-government actors
Type of initiating organisation
- Local government/municipality
- Private sector/corporate actor/company
Participatory approaches/ community involvement
- Unknown
Details on the roles of the organisations involved in the project
Local Government: Bergen municipality had certain demands regarding the establishment of a new IKEA warehouse in Åsane, in order for it to be accepted in the proposed area. This included the installation of a green roof on top of the warehouse (Ref. 5).
Private Sector: IKEA has been largely involved with the installation of the roof. The company Bergknapp has been responsible for installing/planting the roof and choosing suitable plant species (sedum). (Ref. 1, 4)
Project implemented in response to ...
... an EU policy or strategy?
... a national policy or strategy?
... a local policy or strategy?
(The City of Bergen had certain demands on the building before its establishment (Ref. 5), including requiring new buildings to blend in with the local environment as much as possible, so that it would not ruin the landscape views from the mountains (Ref. 3))
Total cost
Source(s) of funding
- Corporate investment
Type of funding
- Unknown
Non-financial contribution
Impacts and Monitoring
Environmental impacts
- Climate change
- Strengthened capacity to address climate hazards/natural disasters
- Environmental quality
- Improved air quality
- Water management and blue areas
- Increased protection against flooding
- Green space and habitat
- Promotion of naturalistic styles of landscape design for urban development
- Increased green space area
- Increased protection of threatened species
Economic impacts
- Unknown
Socio-cultural impacts
- Cultural heritage and sense of place
- Protection of historic and cultural landscape / infrastructure
- Other
Type of reported impacts
Achieved impacts
Presence of formal monitoring system
Presence of indicators used in reporting
No evidence in public records
Presence of monitoring/ evaluation reports
No evidence in public records
Availability of a web-based monitoring tool
No evidence in public records
1. Bergknapp AS. (n.d.). IKEA Asane. Available at: Source link [Accessed: 25 October 2020].
2. NRK(2015). Endangered birds seeks refuge on Source link fugler søker tilflukt på Ikea. Available at: Source link. [Accessed: 25 October 2020].
3. Dagsavisen (2016). Asks IKEA to build a green Source link Ikea bygge grønt tak. Available at: Source link [Accessed: 25 October 2020].
4. Aftenposten (2011). Norway's largest IKEA gets plants on its roof/Norges største Ikea får planter på taket. Available at: Source link [Accessed: 25 October 2020].
5. City of Bergen (n.d.). Good practice spotlight: Bergen, Norway. [Document provided].
6. City of Bergen (2016). Green Strategy. Climate and Energy Action plan for Bergen/Grønn strategi. Klima- og Energihandlingsplan for Bergen. Behandlet av Byråd 26. mai. 2016. Available at: Source link [Accessed: 25 October 2020].
7. Bergknapp AS. (2018). IKEA Bergen sedumtak. Facebook video. Available at: Source link [Accessed: 25 October 2020].
2. NRK(2015). Endangered birds seeks refuge on Source link fugler søker tilflukt på Ikea. Available at: Source link. [Accessed: 25 October 2020].
3. Dagsavisen (2016). Asks IKEA to build a green Source link Ikea bygge grønt tak. Available at: Source link [Accessed: 25 October 2020].
4. Aftenposten (2011). Norway's largest IKEA gets plants on its roof/Norges største Ikea får planter på taket. Available at: Source link [Accessed: 25 October 2020].
5. City of Bergen (n.d.). Good practice spotlight: Bergen, Norway. [Document provided].
6. City of Bergen (2016). Green Strategy. Climate and Energy Action plan for Bergen/Grønn strategi. Klima- og Energihandlingsplan for Bergen. Behandlet av Byråd 26. mai. 2016. Available at: Source link [Accessed: 25 October 2020].
7. Bergknapp AS. (2018). IKEA Bergen sedumtak. Facebook video. Available at: Source link [Accessed: 25 October 2020].